1.LANGUAGE: ************ Language is nothing but which communicates two objects in real world. Language establishes communication between hardware and software components. 2.JAVA BUZZWORDS: **************** SIMPLE: java is simple to develop for large scale application like windows/web based applications. ARCHITECTURAL NEUTRAL: it can run in any type of h/w architecture. PORTABLE: it can run on any type of Operating System. ROBUST: In some cases,there is a change of some run time errors to occur in the case of program execution then abnormal program termination is occur,so that the data and application may be lost.such type of errors is called Exception. if any language is handled these exceptions then that \ language is called strictly written language.these languages are provide safety and security. DYNAMIC: Every object will be allocated dynamic to reduce the memory wastage. INTERPRETOR: In any languages translation is handled by compilers ,but in the java,program is first compiled by the javac then it will generate code called bytecode. DISTRIBUTED: Java is net based application so that we have to share the data and application among different users. HIGH PERFORMANCE: Even though more than 1 user is passing thier requests at a time. MULTITHREADED: More than one program run simultaneously. SECURE: Java provides xlent security from unauthorized actions and provides firewall actions also. OBJECT-ORIENTED: Java is object oriented approach.it suports all the concepts oops such as data abstraction,encapsulation ,polymarphism and inheritance. CLASS: ****** class is a collection of properties and behaviour. behavior is nothing but a functions, properties are nothing but a variables. <access-specifiers> <modifiers> class class-name { // propeties //behaviours } program: OBJECT: ******** Object is nothing but a entity in a real world.chair,chalkpiece all r objects. in language view object is nothing but a reference of a class when ever create an object it occupies some memory with the class content.So with this is reference we are utilizing the class. object creation: class-name obj=new class-name(<parametes-list>); new is same as 'malloc' in c is used to create memory location for object in memory. **objects store the addresses just like pointers in c.** --------------------------------------------------------- program: JAVA PROGRAMING STRUCTURE: **************************** Components: 1.package declaration part 2.package import statement part 3.class definations. CONTROL STRUCTURES: ******************** Three types 1.selection(if,switch) 2.iteration(for,while,do-while) 3.jump(return,break) program: METHODS/FUNCTIONS: ****************** ****************** These are reusable components.Every function should have the return type.If any function does not return any value then return type should be declared as void. <access-specifiers> <modifiers> return-type methodname(parameters-list) { //body //return statement if return type is other than void. } program: POLYMORPHISM ******************* POLYMORPHISM has two types method overloading and operator overloading but in java operator oveloading is not supported. Method overloading is nothing but we can use single names for multiple purposes.it has same name but its parameters should be different. program: CONSTRUCTORS: ************* Constructor is a special type of member function.it is used to initilize the member variable at the time creating object Rules: 1.Constructor name should be equal with class name. 2.it does not return any value so it shouldnt have the return type even void also. 3.we can define more than one constructors in a class. *4.these are not inheritable. 5.it has a implicit call.these are invoked at the time of object creation. Types of constructors: 1.default 2.parametarized 3.copy // it will copy the values of one object into another object. Destructor: it is also a special type of member function,which is used to destroy the objects,which are allocated by the constructor but java doesnt support it.java has garbage collector. java has internelly one mechanisam called 'garbage collector' to do destructor work.